Our Story

Genni Lekai and Misty Hirschfeld have been great friends since freshman year of high school. They have remained in touch throughout their lives since graduation and have been great encouragers to one another during that time. Back in December 2020, Pat Leach, who previously owned the restaurant, called Misty and joked about her buying the place and him coming back to help run it since he had sold it 2 years prior and it had recently closed.

She never could have imagined what would take place in the next few months. Genni had been in the food industry for 26 years and hadn't really been thinking about a chance, until a rough day at work, Misty called her and said, 'Hey! How about you and I buy PK's and run it together!' She still says she was not serious, but it began a spark that has ignited a flame -- PK's Revival! The Lord has worked in this whole journey from how the property was acquired to the people He has put in the path to help remodel and revive what once was a thriving, popular place to socialize and eat tremendously great food! They are so very humbled and excited to be here serving the Benedict and surrounding communities!